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Review of the Survey of Employer Use and Views of the VET… 1 September 2011
This document provides a summary of the feedback received to a discussion paper on the Review of… Show more
Research messages 2010 4 March 2011
Research messages 2010 is a collection of summaries of research projects published by the National… Show more
Australian vocational education and training statistics:… 5 November 2010
This survey collects information about the destinations of apprentices and trainees approximately… Show more
This publication provides a synopsis of the issues surrounding attrition in apprenticeships and… Show more
Skill trends in the building and construction trades 24 August 2001
There has been growing concern about skill shortages in a number of sectors in the Australian… Show more
Australian apprenticeships: Research at a glance 19 April 2001
This research at a glance provides a summary of the most comprehensive analysis ever undertaken… Show more
Australian apprenticeships: Facts, fiction and future 19 April 2001
This publication provides a comprehensive analysis of the development of apprenticeships in… Show more
Electrical and electronics trades 1995-1999 11 June 2000
This publication provides information on apprentices and trainees in the electrical and electronic… Show more
Automotive repairs and service trades 1995-1999 11 June 2000
This publication provides information on apprentices and trainees in the automotive repairs and… Show more
This publication provides information on apprentices and trainees in the mechanical engineering and … Show more
Skills supply to the trade industries 1995-1999 11 June 2000
This publication provides information on apprentices and trainees in trades and related workers… Show more