Australia’s major VET student survey expands

Media release

25 May 2016

This year, for the first time, Australia’s major survey of students for rating the nation’s vocational education and training (VET) system has expanded to include students who pay their own way with private training providers. Over the coming weeks around 220 000 students will be asked about their recent training experience.

Managed by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), the annual national Student Outcomes Survey provides information on employment outcomes, training satisfaction, and the benefits and relevance of training.

“In the past we’ve only included students who studied with government providers, such as TAFE, or those whose training was funded by governments. Now we’re also asking students who paid their own way to rate their training too. This will give us a better idea of how the sector is performing” said Dr Craig Fowler, Managing Director, NCVER.

“We urge students to spare just 10 minutes and have their say. The survey provides vital feedback that helps inform the sector, in turn improving outcomes for future students”, said Dr Fowler.

The Student Outcomes Survey is conducted on behalf of the Australian, state and territory governments and involves students who completed their training with a VET provider in 2015.

Results from this survey will be available on NCVER’s Portal in late 2016.

Copies of Australian vocational education and training statistics: Government-funded student outcomes 2015 are available from

For further information about the survey visit  

Media contact: Rebecca Farrell, Media and Communications Officer, P:08 8230 8418, M: 0407 608 409