Data access and charging policy
REVISION DATES: Created May 2008; Last revised August 2021
This policy outlines the principles behind accessing and charging for NCVER data, or library knowledge and information services.
Scope and Applicability
NCVER provides statistical and library knowledge and information services to a range of internal and external users for the purposes of research.
The policy applies to all routine requests by organisations or individuals for data, information, or knowledge services that draw a charge.
To set out the principles for accessing and charging for NCVER statistical data and library knowledge and information services.
Definitions and abbreviations
A data, knowledge or information query is a specific request for information from any of our databases that requires manual manipulation by an officer of the NCVER.
Policy provisions
There are two broad principles governing access to data and library information.
The first pertains to data protection. Access to NCVER data holdings is governed by the National VET Data Policy.
The second principle is that users will be charged the marginal cost of providing the data or library information. The implication of this principle is that users are not charged for the infrastructure provided under the statistical services and research contracts but are charged for labour and materials for the provision of data or library information. The fees are applicable to information that is over and above what is freely available on the NCVER website.
The procedure and charge-out rate for access to NCVER statistical data and library information services is spelt out in the NCVER Data and Information Access and Charging Procedure.
Special note
NCVER's Data Access and Charging Procedure is an internal document. As per the charging guide detailed in the procedure, an obligation free quote will be provided upon application dependent upon the complexity of the task and anticipated duration of the work.