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Making delivery better: perspectives from RTOs
Thursday 7 April 2022, 1.30pm - 2.30pm (ACST)
This webinar will review the findings of the recently released NCVER report - Delivering high-quality VET: what matters to RTOs.
RTOs come in many shapes and sizes with a wide variety of missions, courses and students. There are many aspects of quality delivery they all share in common (good is good!) despite some fundamental differences between RTO types (TAFEs, privates, community education and enterprise). What they also all have in common is needing to be able to measure quality effectively – how well they are doing things, both to help them improve and to convince others of how good they are.
In this webinar we will share the findings of our research, which is RTO focused. What we hope participants will gain from it is:
- A set of principles that help define quality delivery
- Insights into what helps, or potentially hinders, delivery quality
- How providers of different types approach the measurement of delivery quality
- What we might need to do to improve delivery quality.
Hugh Guthrie has worked in VET for over 40 years as a researcher and practitioner, including 25 years at NCVER. While his research interests and experience have been broad, his major work has been in the fields of VET teaching and learning quality practice and the professional development of VET’s workforce.
Melinda Waters has extensive experience in VET gained through teaching and management roles in in TAFE, the VET Development Centre, TAFE Directors Australia and more recently through research and consulting. She specialises in VET policy with a focus on workforce development and innovation in teaching and training.
Jenny Dodd is Chief Executive TAFE Directors Australia. She has been a TAFE Executive in three jurisdictions, including CEO of TasTAFE in Tasmania, Chief Academic Officer and General Manager Gold Coast for TAFE Queensland, and Deputy CEO (Education) and Director Marketing and National Positioning for the Canberra Institute of Technology. In her role as CEO TDA, Jenny demonstrates how the public provider is leading quality skills and education outcomes for students and industry. Jenny began her career in marketing with AGL and later health insurance, transitioning into vocational education and training after ten years in industry.
Over the past 16 years, Andrew Shea has held Senior Management and Executive level positions across a range of post-secondary education sector providers delivering across diverse cohorts including to domestic students, onshore to international students and offshore to international students.
Andrew is a well-recognized Tertiary Education leader holding current positions such as Chair of PWC – Skills For Australia’s – Education Industry Reference Committee; Non-Executive Director and Victorian Chair with the Independent Tertiary Education Council of Australia (ITECA), Board Advisor with Top 100 Women and an active member of the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) Stakeholder Liaison Group (SLG).
In 2020, and again in 2021, Andrew was recognized as the Professional Services (Education) Executive of the Year at the CEO Awards and Builders Academy Australia, the RTO which Andrew is Chief Executive Officer with, has recognized as the Small Training Provider of the Year at both the Victorian Training Awards (3 times) and the Australian Training Awards.
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There will also be the opportunity to ask questions live at the webinar.
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