Webinar recordings 2014


If you have missed one of our 2014 webinars, click on the link below to see the presentation and listen to the recording. Access is free.

These webinars are hosted on an external site and you will need to register your name and email address to access.

Is the education and training system ready to meet future skill demand?
Presented by Francesca Beddie, and facilitated by Phil Loveder, NCVER on 4 December 2014

Let’s Talk Uni – supported VET to university transitions
Presented by Rose Cutts, University of Western Sydney on 27 November 2014

Identifying actual VET qualification completion rates and unlocking their potential
Presented by Daniel Doncaster and Adrian Seabrook, Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment on 10 September 2014

Aiming high: what drives the educational and occupational aspirations of young Australians?
Presented by Chris Ryan, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research, Sinan Gemici, NCVER, Daniela Ascone, Youth Connect and Robert Simons, ACER on 5 June 2014

Lost in translation? Interpreting competencies in Australian VET
Presented by Steven Hodge, Griffith University on 25 March 2014