Consultancy services


NCVER provides a professional research and analysis consultancy service across Australia and internationally for a wide range of clients including:

  • International, federal, state and territory and local governments
  • Training organisations
  • VET providers and practitioners
  • All areas of industry including enterprises and peak bodies

NCVER consults across all aspects of the tertiary education and training system. The services and expertise we offer include:

  • assessing training needs and outcomes of diverse groups
  • analysis of industry skill requirements
  • program evaluations
  • understanding careers, pathways and youth transitions
  • a deep understanding of Australian and International VET and education systems
  • survey design and reporting expertise
  • developing data collection standards and protocols
  • knowledge services, including: literature searches and reviews, 'big data' analysis and data linkage expertise

Contact us

For more information and enquiries please contact:

Phil Loveder

Executive Manager, Inform and Engage

T +61 8 8230 8665