Historical time series of apprenticeships and traineeships in Australia from 1963 to 2023

19 December 2023 This data is part of the Apprentices and trainees collection


This time series presents a summary of training activity in apprenticeships and traineeships in Australia for the period 1963-2023.

The data tables which follow provide information on training activity in apprenticeships and traineeships in Australia at three levels of detail. For the full period 1963–2023, apprentice and trainee in-training, commencement, completion, and cancellation/withdrawal figures are presented by state and territory and trade occupation, separately. For the period 1995–2023, a more detailed comparison of training activity in trade and non-trade occupations is provided. Finally, apprentice and trainee training rates are presented by occupation and state and territory for the period 1996–2023.


Historical time series tables 2023 .xlsx 742.2 KB Download

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