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  • This report brings together information collected by NCVER, the ABS and the Department of Education … Show more

  • Who are the persistently NEET young people? 13 October 2017

    By John Stanwick, Cameron Forrest, Peta Skujins

    The main socio-demographic characteristics associated with being persistently not employed, in… Show more

  • The changing nature of apprenticeships: 1996-2016 13 April 2017

    By Jo Hargreaves, John Stanwick, Peta Skujins

    This research summary provides evidence of the changing nature of apprenticeships over a 20-year… Show more

  • Making 'good' choices: the impact of entitlement… 13 February 2017

    By Cain Polidano, Justin van de Ven, Sarah Voitchovsky

    This report examines the responsiveness of ‘older’ workers — aged 25 to 54 years — to government… Show more

  • Skilled migrant women in regional Australia: promoting… 21 October 2013

    By Susan Webb, Denise Beale, Miriam Faine

    This research report examines the underutilisation of the skills of migrants in regional areas,… Show more

  • The returns to literacy skills in Australia 6 August 2013

    By Jenny Chesters, Chris Ryan, Mathias Sinning

    This study goes beyond looking at how the financial return to training varies with qualification… Show more

  • Older Australians and the take-up of new technologies 19 March 2013

    By Jenny Chesters, Chris Ryan, Mathias Sinning

    This research shows that older Australians use computers and the internet less than younger… Show more

  • Cultural dimensions of Indigenous participation in… 5 February 2013

    By Alfred Michael Dockery

    This study provides new evidence on the inter-relationships between Indigenous Australians'… Show more

  • Studying beyond age 25: who does it and what do they gain? 18 October 2012

    By Michael Coelli, Domenico Tabasso, Rezida Zakirova

    What would prompt people to undertake education and training in their mid-20s and beyond and what… Show more

  • Interview with Lorraine Dearden about widening… 27 September 2012

    By Lorraine Dearden

    Lorraine Dearden talks in this podcast about work she has co-authored on widening participation in… Show more

  • In this podcast, Sue Webb, a researcher, talks about the initial findings from work looking at the… Show more

  • Geographical dimensions of social inclusion and VET in… 7 September 2012

    By Aaron Nicholas, Anita Devos, Chandra Shah, Denise Beale, Miriam Faine, Susan Webb

    This paper provides a conceptual basis for a three-year (2011–13) research program exploring the… Show more

  • Encouraging older workers to stay in the workforce has become a policy priority. At the same time,… Show more

  • Using interviews with adult migrants over a period of two years, the authors look at how… Show more

  • Older workers: research readings 3 November 2011

    By Tabatha Griffin, Francesca Beddie

    One of the significant challenges facing Australia is the ageing of the population. This… Show more

  • From education to employment: how long does it take? 29 June 2011

    By Darcy Fitzpatrick, Laurence Lester, Kostas Mavromaras, Sue Richardson, Yan Sun

    Using the 1995 cohort of the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth, this project examines how… Show more

  • This paper was presented at the International Symposium on Lifelong Learning for Poverty… Show more

  • Tradespeople for the resources sector: projections 2010-20 15 December 2010

    By Peter Mlotkowski, Tom Karmel

    This paper was prepared for the Australian Government's National Resources Sector Employment… Show more

  • Who works beyond the 'standard' retirement age and… 28 October 2010

    By Chris Ryan, Mathias Sinning

    This report describes the characteristics of those who continue to work beyond the age of 65.

  • This overview looks at the key findings of Mike Dockery's report 'Cultural dimensions of Indigenous … Show more


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