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Can VET help create a more inclusive society? 22 March 2016
What role does vocational education and training play in enabling students to fully participate in… Show more
Cultural dimensions of Indigenous participation in… 15 December 2009
This overview looks at the key findings of Mike Dockery's report 'Cultural dimensions of Indigenous … Show more
Teaching learners from highly oral cultural backgrounds:… 28 August 2007
In recent years, many new arrivals to Australia through the Humanitarian Migration Program have… Show more
Indigenous vocational education and training: At a glance 18 November 2005
This publication presents the results of a comprehensive research program on Indigenous Australians … Show more
There is growing international and national interest in the concept of social capital, its role,… Show more
This publication provides a summary of recent research into issues affecting the demand of skills… Show more
This publication reviews research relating to demand for VET. Demand is expected to increase for… Show more
The report outlines the major research into literacy and numeracy as related to VET carried out… Show more
Globalisation is impacting on most spheres of human endeavour - the economy, the society, politics… Show more
This publication reports on a research project which set out to analyse recent research and policy… Show more
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Publication type : all → Research summary
Subjects : all → Culture and society
- Cain Polidano 1
- Oksana Hull 1
- Pat Millar 1
- Peter Kearns 1
- Ian Falk 1
- Ursula Burgoyne 1
- Hielke Buddelmeyer 1
- Barry Hobart 1
- Bob Boughton 1