SMS vendor feedback form

8 May 2017

AVETMISS feedback for student managment software vendors

This AVETMISS feedback form is intended to provide student management system vendors the opportunity to provide comments and suggestions about how to better manage the AVETMIS VET provider standard to NCVER.

Feedback provided will be considered by NCVER and, where appropriate, the AVETMISS VET provider Technical Reference Advisory Committee (TRAC). A decision to include proposed changes will be made based on the observed benefits to all stakeholders and directed by the TRAC’s objectives to reduce burden, satisfy national reporting requirements and improve data quality and accuracy. Additionally change requests must also support the guiding principles for a review of the AVETMIS VET Provider Standard ensuring:

  • Data are fit for purpose
  • The Standard is efficient by design
  • Maximum consistency and linkages
  • A stable but adaptive system
  • Maximise the use of the national VET administrative collections and surveys to inform consumer choice

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Your details

Your feedback

Please upload information to support your feedback e.g. screenshots.
