Individual STAs may differ slightly from NCVER in their AVETMISS reporting requirements. This page contains each STA's own version of the AVETMIS Standard for VET Providers.
STA specific fields
STAs may require information that is not collected as part of the AVETMIS Standard. This information is captured in fields positioned after the national data collection file length. This approach provides STAs with the ability to capture this additional data within the AVETMISS NAT files.
NCVER is committed to reducing burden and as such we are working with the STAs via the AVETMISS Technical Reference Advisory Committee to consolidate these fields wherever possible and make them available from the NCVER portal.
The following table is a consolidated list of state specific fields by NAT file and jurisdiction. State specific fields table
State training authorities: If you require a new state specific field please review the table above first, consult with any STAs where an applicable field already exist and consolidate where possible.
If a new field or a change to an existing state specific field is required, complete the Data Element Definitions template (21 KB Word) and submit to Once finalised, any changes to state specific reporting will be updated on the table to ensure STAs and SMS vendors have the most current information.
If you have any questions about the information on this webpage please contact us to discuss.
Release 8.0
STA | Link to copy of Standard |
ACT - Skills Canberra | ACT Vocational Education and Training (VET) AVETMISS Data Standard (367 KB PDF) |
NSW - Board of Vocational Education and Training | The NSW Department of Education can be contacted for additional information. |
NT - Department of Trade, Business & Innovation - Employment and Skilling | Not applicable* |
Qld - Department of Employment, Small Business & Training | Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training RTO data collection requirements (AVETMISS 8.0) |
SA - Department for Innovation and Skills | The Department for Industry and Skills have their own version of the Training organisation (NAT00010), Training activity (NAT00120) and the Program Completed (NAT00130) files. All other files are identical to NCVER's AVETMIS Standard. |
Tas - Skills Tasmania | Tasmanian AVETMISS 8.0 Requirements |
Vic - Department of Education & Training | Victorian Release 8.0 AVETMIS Standard |
WA - Department of Training & Workforce Development | Western Australian Release 8.0 AVETMIS Standard Western Australian RAPT Text file specification (651 KB PDF) |
*Not applicable is stated where an STA does not require AVETMISS data in a different format from that specified by NCVER.