These nationally agreed hours data have been agreed to by all States and Territories for use in national reporting of VET data only.
NCVER sources the nominal hours externally or via state and territory submissions to the National VET Provider Collection.
Note for RTOs using this file for reporting Nominal hours in their AVETMISS submission: if you deliver training under a funding contract refer to your funding contract or funding body (e.g. state training authority [STA]) to confirm what Nominal hours should be reported.
If a unit of competency is not yet listed within this system file, the nominal hours may instead be sourced from the unit of competency's training package purchasing guide or by searching for the unit of competency on
If you are still unable to source the unit, please use your best guess for AVETMISS reporting purposes (check with your STA if funding applies). The nominal hours will be updated in our system with the correct value at the end of the annual collection period.
The file is supplied as tab delimited text format and should be saved to your computer before opening. Select 'Save As' from the File menu if your browser displays rather than downloads.
This file should be opened in a text editor. Do not open in Excel, as this application will strip the leading zeros from the file.
Nationally Agreed Nominal Hours | .txt | 1.1 MB | Download |