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NCVER’s DataHub is a platform that enables secure sign-in to a range of customised NCVER data and reporting products, including DataBuilders, visualisations, and tables, not available publicly on the NCVER Portal.

More details about the information NCVER collects is available here:

Who is the DataHub for?

Currently, the DataHub has products available for:

  • Registered Training Organisations (RTOs),
  • Commonwealth, and state and territory government departments that deal with matters relating to VET, and
  • Other VET-related bodies

Registered Training Organisations (RTOs)

The first product released is RTO VET explorer, which gives RTOs access to data on their RTO’s training activity and enables comparisons with groups of other RTO’s.

RTOs can explore their data using a comprehensive range of filters to:

  • Access data that is not available through the NCVER Portal
  • Interrogate data on their RTO’s students, enrolments and completions and compare against like groups
  • Extract and download data.

Only a CEO can register the organisation for access to DataHub and only individuals authorised by their CEO can view products relating to their RTO.

NCVER sources information on all RTOs from (TGA), namely RTO Code, and the CEO email address in order to verify initial access. If an RTO has changed its name since the data were collected, the change may not be reflected in the products.

Data in RTO VET Explorer will be updated annually. New products will be introduced over time.

RTOs who haven’t yet registered for DataHub can contact our client support team for further information and assistance.

Commonwealth, state and territory government departments that deal with matters relating to VET

NCVER produces customised data products for Commonwealth, state and territory departments that deal with matters relating to VET, many of which can be accessed through DataHub.

Only people authorised by the jurisdictional nominated persons within each of these organisations will be invited to access data products. Nominated persons can invite further users, who will be assigned access to one or many products.

Accuracy of the data presented

The data presented in these products reflects the data submitted to NCVER through various administrative collections and surveys, such as the National VET Provider Collection and the National Student Outcomes Survey.

For further information, view our:

Multi-factor authentication (MFA)

Multi-factor authentication means having extra checks to prove your identity. All users will be required to set up multi-factor authentication when accessing their user account. Your email is the default authentication method, and you will be able to select additional MFA.

You will be required to enter a code every time you sign in to the DataHub.

Roles and responsibilities

There are three user types in  DataHub (CEO or Primary Contact, Administrator, and Member/user), each with their own level of responsibility.

Only a CEO/Primary Contact or Administrator can add new members/users to an organisation. To do this, sign in to the DataHub, select the ‘Manage organisation' tile on the DataHub dashboard.

User typeResponsibilities
CEO / Primary contact
  • RTO CEO: Completes the Registration Form and registers their organisation for DataHub
  • Government department: NCVER has pre-registered your organisation’s nominated contact for DataHub
  • Responsible for access management of administrators and related  administration tasks
  • Can add an administrator to manage users on their behalf
  • Can add or remove administrators and users
  • Annually confirms list of users and product access
  • Can add or remove administrators and members/users
  • Responsible for access management for members/users and related administration tasks
  • Annually confirms list of users and the products they can access
  • Can access permitted products


We are keen to know your feedback about DataHub and the products you have access to. Please complete the survey (approximately 10 minutes) here

Browser and device information

This product is not compatible with Internet Explorer, which is no longer supported by Microsoft.

The product is best viewed on a PC, laptop, or tablet device.

Opt-out and account removal

If you do not want to register, please select 'Decline' on your invitation email.

To remove your organisation from the DataHub please contact