NCVER’s DataHub is a free digital platform that allows secure sign in to customised data and products.
DataHub is currently available for authorised users from:
- Registered training organisations,
- Government departments that deal with matters related to VET, and
- Other VET-related bodies
Note: For AVETMISS reporting, log in via https://avs.ncver.edu.au with your existing credentials.
Further information
More details about DataHub, who can access and how to register is available in the Information Kit.
RTO sign in information
RTOs can explore their data using a comprehensive range of filters to:
- Access data that is not available through the NCVER Portal
- Interrogate data on their RTO’s students, enrolments and completions and compare against like groups
- Extract and download data
For RTOs, only a CEO can register the organisation for access to DataHub and only individuals authorised by their CEO can log in.
If you have received a registration email from NCVER, please use your email address as your username and proceed.
If your account is locked out please contact Client Support
Need help?
For assistance contact Client Support
Office hours 8:45am to 5:00pm ACST/ACDT
E: support@ncver.edu.au
P: 08 8230 8400
P: toll free 1800 649 452