The National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) has today released the official discussion paper for the 31st National Vocational Education and Training (VET) Research Conference ‘No Frills’, to be held online from 6 to 8 July 2022.
The paper outlines the key talking points of the conference theme VET’s role in transforming the future and examines how the sector is adapting, anticipating and activating change in response to future skill demands.
“The VET sector will play a key role in supporting Australia’s full recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, and in ensuring that all Australians have access to the training they need to update their skills and participate in the future workforce,” stated NCVER Managing Director Simon Walker.
“The aim of this conference is to examine how the VET sector can continue to innovate and respond to Australia's shifting future skill demands,” said Mr Walker.
Leading researchers, industry experts and VET practitioners will come together during the conference to discuss the trends and innovations transforming the future of VET, as well as the current initiatives and key issues that need to be addressed. Topics such as how to forecast future skill needs, qualification development and design, micro-credentials, ensuring quality and building the capacity of our VET educator workforce will also be discussed.
The Hon. Brendan O’Connor MP, Federal Government Minister for Skills and Training, will open the conference program on day one.
The Minister will be followed by Sophie Renton, trends analyst and current Managing Director at McCrindle Research. Sophie will talk about The future of vocational education: Now and towards 2032. “The world of work is changing, so too is the pathway to prepare students for it. Investing in lifelong learning to embrace new skills and refresh existing ones is increasingly important to future proof careers,” says Ms Renton.
On day two, Alex Jackson, Executive Designer at ThinkPlace, will deliver his keynote Game on! How to integrate gamification in VET. “Creative behavioural design and gamification provides us with the tools and framework necessary to shift people's behaviour and enhance their experience with a product or service,” states Jackson.
NCVER Managing Director Simon Walker will close the conference on day three with his keynote address on Data’s role in transforming the future. “In the age of Big Data and its ever-increasing presence in our lives, the role of data in the VET sector is also undergoing transformation. The discussion will explore current and future data innovations and the potential benefits for VET students, RTOs, regulators and policy makers,” said Mr Walker.
The comprehensive ‘No Frills’ 2022 conference program includes over 30 presentations, live Q&A talk shows, and workshop and networking sessions. Registration is still open.
Download the discussion paper VET’s role in transforming the future.
Enquiries: Mariane Umali M: 0406 824 184 E:
About NCVER: we are the main provider of research, statistics and data on Australia’s VET sector. Our services help promote better understanding of VET and assist policy makers, practitioners, industry, training providers, and students to make informed decisions.
This work has been produced by NCVER on behalf of the Australian Government and state and territory governments, with funding provided through the Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment.