Employment outcomes continue to improve for vocational education and training (VET) graduates.
The latest data reveals that two-thirds of students who completed a vocational qualification at certificate I or above had an improved employment outcome post-training, up 2.6 percentage points from the previous year.
The report, VET student outcomes 2023, released today by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) shows:
- 50.6% of graduates who did not have a job before training were employed after training
- 37.8% of graduates who had a job before training were in a better job after training.
The results come from the 2023 National Student Outcomes Survey, which measures the outcomes and satisfaction of students who completed nationally recognised VET delivered by registered training organisations (RTOs) in Australia during 2022 using data collected in mid-2023.
In 2023, 79.5% of graduates were employed after training, the highest level seen since the survey was expanded in 2016 to cover all nationally recognised training. This supports the findings by Jobs and Skills Australia that just over 60.0% of total employment growth in 2022 was in occupations where VET qualifications are the primary pathway (Jobs and Skills Australia 2023).
NCVER Managing Director Simon Walker said, “The results from this year’s survey show that the majority of graduates employed after training received some form of job-related benefit from their training, with many graduates gaining extra skills, getting a new job or changing jobs.”
Just under a third (29.8%) of VET graduates were employed after training in the same occupation as their qualification. A further 28.9% were employed in a different occupation but found the training relevant to their current job.
Satisfaction with training was also high, with 89.0% of graduates satisfied with the training overall and 84.6% recommending their training provider.
Download the report: VET student outcomes 2023
Related products and resources:
- VET student outcomes 2023 DataBuilder
- VET student outcomes 2023: excel tables
Enquiries: Chantal Deutrom P: +61 8 8230 8418 E: chantaldeutrom@ncver.edu.au
About NCVER: we are the main provider of research, statistics and data on Australia’s VET sector. Our services help promote better understanding of VET and assist policy makers, practitioners, industry, training providers, and students to make informed decisions.
This work has been produced by NCVER on behalf of the Australian Government and state and territory governments, with funding provided through the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.