Presented here is information collected via the National VET Provider Collection about the nature and extent of Australia’s government-funded VET sector, which is broadly defined as Commonwealth and state/territory government-funded training delivered by TAFE institutes and other government providers, community education and other registered providers.
It includes information on the number of training providers, students, enrolments in programs, enrolments in subjects, hours of delivery and program completions. Data are collected and released quarterly.
Data products
To view the collection results, please select the appropriate tool depending on whether you are a general, regular or expert user of data.
General users
Have a basic understanding of data.
Supporting documentation e.g. terms and definitions and explanatory notes are available from the publication pages.
Regular users
Can understand tables and manipulate data.
Expert users
Have a sophisticated understanding of data and its uses, including items and concepts.
Note: Access to this detailed data in VOCSTATS is free but requires registration.
Data services
If you can't find what you need from the above tools, we may be able to provide you with customised data to meet your requirements. This service will be charged on a cost recovery basis.
For more information, see Data access and charges: data and library information.
More information
Superseded publications
Superseded publications from this collection may be accessed through the VOCEDplus database.