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Catch up on the latest episodes of Vocational Voices
'Vocational Voices', now in it's 9th season, is the official podcast of the National Centre for Vocational Education Research. Listen to leading experts discuss current trends in vocational education and training.
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Podcasts Listen to ‘Vocational Voices’ to hear leading experts discuss current trends in VET.
Webinar series Our free webinars cover a broad range of topics relevant to the VET sector.
VET Calendar A calendar of Australian and international VET-related conferences and events.
Past Events An archive of our past events, forums, webinars and the annual No Frills VET research conference.
Data Support Bulletin Quarterly e-Newsletter for RTOs on AVETMISS, reporting and policy issues.
SMS Vendor Updates e-Newsletter for RTOs developing in-house student management systems.
VOCEDplus Highlights A monthly selection of the latest additions to VOCEDplus.
NCVER videos View short videos providing an overview of our new look Portal and the RTO Hub.