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A guide to the Apprentices and trainees estimates review dashboard

By Nadine Schuil Technical paper 14 February 2018 978-1-925717-11-2


Due to reporting lags NCVER estimates the numbers of contracts of training that commence, complete, cancel/withdraw, re-commence, expire or suspend or are in-training at the time these events occur.

The Apprentices and trainees estimates review dashboard aims to assess the accuracy of the estimates published by NCVER.

This technical paper provides a brief overview of the estimation methodology employed in the National Apprentice and Trainee Collection, background information on the initiative to undertake timely reviews of the estimation methodology and instructions on the operation of the estimates review dashboard.


A guide to the apprentices and trainees estimates review dashboard .pdf 989.3 KB Download
A guide to the apprentices and trainees estimates review dashboard .docx 7.2 MB Download

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