For the most recent release please see the Government-funded students and courses collection page.
Product improvements
This publication includes a new section of government-funded subject enrolments, with a particular focus on stand-alone subjects.
To facilitate insights into stand-alone subject activity, NCVER’s publication and DataBuilder show subject enrolments by subject type and separates accredited units by their identifiers and names.
This publication provides a summary of data relating to students, programs, subjects and training providers in Australia’s government-funded vocational education and training (VET) system, defined as all Commonwealth and state or territory government-funded training delivered by technical and further education (TAFE) institutes, other government providers (such as universities), private providers and community education providers.
To access the most recently released DataBuilder for Government-funded students and courses annual please see the Government-funded students and courses collection page.
The DataBuilder allows users to quickly create customised tables using the latest Government-funded students and courses data, filter by a selection of variables and compare training activity over time. There are four separate datasets available: students, program enrolments, program completions and subject enrolments.
Government-funded students and courses 2022 | 843.2 KB | Download | |
Government-funded students and courses 2022: explanatory notes | 305.9 KB | Download | |
Government-funded students and courses 2022: explanatory notes | .docx | 107.9 KB | Download |
Terms and definitions: National VET Provider and VET in Schools Collections | 306.6 KB | Download | |
Terms and definitions: National VET Provider and VET in Schools Collections | .docx | 120.2 KB | Download |
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