Apprentices and trainees 2023: September quarter

By NCVER Statistical report 28 March 2024 1440-0359


For the most recent release please see the Apprentices and trainees collection page.


This publication provides a snapshot of apprenticeships and traineeships across Australia. It presents statistics on contract commencements, completions, cancellations and withdrawals as well as contracts currently in training. Unless stated otherwise, data are derived from the latest National Apprentice and Trainee Collection (no. 118, December 2023 estimates), which is compiled under the Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard (AVETMISS) for Apprentice and Trainee Collection Specifications, Release 7.0, October 2015.

Due to the delay in time between an event (commencement, completion, etc.) occurring and the reporting of that event to NCVER, NCVER estimates the most recent figures. The estimation method involves weighting recently processed numbers based on average reporting lags. As estimates are revised for up to seven quarters, figures for the last two years may differ from those published in earlier or in subsequent reports. The final counts are those submitted by jurisdictions. Further details on the methodology can be found in the Estimation of apprentice and trainee statistics technical paper.


  • The COVID-19 pandemic in Australia has created uncertain times for individuals, business and governments, which have affected apprentice and trainee numbers.  Care should be taken when comparing 2023 data with data from 2020 to 2022.
  • In-training figures represent the number of apprenticeship and traineeship training contracts where the apprentice or trainee is actively training under the terms of their contract, and who have not completed, cancelled or withdrawn from their training, or had their training contract expired without meeting all of the prescribed requirements of their program. The figure reflects the number of active contracts at a given point in time (at the end of the quarter), and therefore in-training figures cannot be cumulated over time. For this reason, quarterly comparisons are equivalent to 12-months ending comparisons, as they both represent the changes as at 30 September from one year to the next.



10 year time series

The timeseries chart allows users to interact with apprentice and trainee data over a 10 year period and helps to visually interpret trends evident across various contract statuses.


To access the most recently released DataBuilder for the Apprentices and trainees quarterly please see the Apprentices and trainees collection page.

The DataBuilder tool allows users to quickly create customised tables using the latest Apprentice and trainee data, filter by a selection of variables and compare training activity over time. Users can view quarterly, year-to-date and rolling 12-month data for contract commencements, completions, cancellations/withdrawals and in-training.


Note that the percentages presented in this product are reported to one decimal place. All other numbers, after aggregation, have been rounded to the nearest five. Rounding can lead to instances where the numbers in the body of a given table might not add to the rounded totals.

Unknown data have not been reported in any tables, whereas the total includes all contracts, including those with unknown status. Hence, some figures in the tables may not sum to the total.

As the vocations approved to be under an apprenticeship or traineeship training contract are not consistent across all jurisdictions, NCVER has adopted a Trade/Non-trade categorisation for the purpose of the National Apprentices and Trainees Collection with 'Trades' classified as all occupations listed under ANZSCO major group '3-Technicians and Trades workers' and 'Non-trades' classified as all other major occupations groups 1-2 and 4-8 (Occupations are classified using the ANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, 2022 Australian Update). ANZSCO has been back-cast by NCVER to 1994 for reporting purposes. For further information on the methodology, see

In September 2016, NCVER implemented a number of collection and system changes and as such some activity may differ to that reported in previous publications. These changes included implementation of release 7.0 of the AVETMIS Standard for apprentices and trainees, and migration of the historical data collections to a new database.

For more detailed information refer to the 'Apprentices and trainees DataBuilder' available at The DataBuilder allows users to quickly create customised tables using the latest Apprentice and trainee data, filter by a selection of variables and compare training activity over time. Users can view quarterly and annual data for commencements, completions, cancellations/ withdrawals and in-training.

This infographic is drawn from Australian vocational education and training statistics: apprentices and trainees 2023 — September quarter, NCVER, Adelaide.

SOURCE: National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER), National Apprentice and Trainee collection no. 118, December 2023 estimates, Australian Bureau of Statistics. (2023, December). Labour Force, Australia, Detailed. cat. no. 6291.0.55.001.

© Commonwealth of Australia, 2024

For details and exceptions visit the NCVER Portal.

This work has been produced by NCVER on behalf of the Australian Government, and state and territory governments, with funding provided through the Australian Government Department of Employment and Workplace Relations.

The views and opinions expressed in this document are those of NCVER and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Australian Government or state and territory governments.

ISSN 1440-0359

Published by NCVER, ABN 87 007 967 311


Apprentices and trainees 2023: September quarter - Australia .pdf 998.8 KB Download
Apprentices and trainees 2023: September quarter - New South Wales .pdf 1.0 MB Download
Apprentices and trainees 2023: September quarter - Victoria .pdf 993.8 KB Download
Apprentices and trainees 2023: September quarter - Queensland .pdf 982.1 KB Download
Apprentices and trainees 2023: September quarter - South Australia .pdf 994.5 KB Download
Apprentices and trainees 2023: September quarter - Western Australia .pdf 962.1 KB Download
Apprentices and trainees 2023: September quarter - Tasmania .pdf 978.4 KB Download
Apprentices and trainees 2023: September quarter - Northern Territory .pdf 1007.9 KB Download
Apprentices and trainees 2023: September quarter - Australian Capital Territory .pdf 960.7 KB Download
Apprentices and trainees 2023: September quarter - State and territory comparisons .pdf 682.3 KB Download
Adjustment notes .xlsx 86.0 KB Download
Terms and definitions: National Apprentice and Trainee Collection .pdf 312.5 KB Download
Terms and definitions: National Apprentice and Trainee Collection .docx 75.7 KB Download

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