Research & Statistics
Browse our research and statistics
Latest VET statistics Dashboard displaying the latest vocational education and training (VET) statistics.
Latest research Find out more about NCVER’s research and data analytics program and its latest publications.
Current research Read more about research that is currently underway.
VOCSTATS A tool for advanced users to construct tables using NCVER data.
DataBuilder An easy-to-use tool enabling you to create customised tables using NCVER data from a number of our statistical collections.
Visualisation gallery Browse a selection of infographics, interactive data tools and other products where research and data is visually represented.
First Nations people resources Links to research, statistics and VET information about Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders.
Apprentices and trainees Data on apprentices and trainees, including occupations, completion and attrition rates.
Apprentice and trainee outcomes Survey on apprentice and trainee satisfaction and employment outcomes.
Employers' use and views Survey of industry and employer engagement and satisfaction with the VET system.
Students and courses Data on all Australian VET activity, including enrolments, completions and funding.
Student outcomes Survey of VET student outcomes from and satisfaction with our national training system.
VET funding Data on the flow of VET government funds and insight into who provided funding, what was funded and who benefited.
VET in Schools Data on VET undertaken by school students as part of their senior secondary certificate of education.
Browse publications by subject
Other resources
Upcoming releases Our list of soon-to-be-released research and statistical reports.
Opinion pieces Opinion pieces based on recent research as written by NCVER researchers.
VOCSTATS A tool for advanced users to construct tables using NCVER data.
VOCEDplus International database of tertiary education research.
How to access VET data How to access customised data and statistical services not covered by our other products.
VET statistics explained An easy-to-understand overview of the what, how, when and why we collect our VET data.
Glossary of VET Source for definitions of terms, acronyms and organisations in the Australian VET sector.
Services and charges A quick guide to all of our products, services and charges.
Consultancy services More about our services across all aspects of the tertiary education and training system.